
We're updating AddEvent Friday December 17th from 9am to 3pm (Pacific time)

Today, Friday December 17th from 9am to 3pm (Pacific time), we're updating as well as our backend which now will live on "".

During the maintainance window: 

  • If you enter any event information in the Dashboard, make sure you save a local copy in case you are "kicked out" of a session.
  • You might need to sign in again as the backend now is accessible in a new location (

The updates we are doing today are massive (new infrastructure) and have been tested extensively for the past 14 days.

When entering a real "live" environment things might go wrong temporarily. In case anything happens, we're on it - and will continue testing and correcting.  

In case you stumble upon anything that's wrong, please let us know.


[email protected]