If you’ve ever used AddEvent’s Zapier integration, you know how incredibly useful of a tool it can be for building custom automated workflows without requiring any coding knowledge — all in mere minutes.

And if you’ve used our previous Zap version, we know it may have left a little to be desired…which is why we’re excited to announce that our new and improved version is now live!

This upgraded integration was rebuilt from the ground up, featuring a variety of optimizations and bug fixes that deliver an improved user experience. It’s important to note that you must migrate to the new Zapier version (6.5.0) to take advantage of these improvements and features.

Check out these Help Docs for more information on the changes and migration requirements:

Zapier also has a helpful document that will walk you through this update process in great detail: Update to the latest app version in Zaps - Assisted Update.

If you run into any issues when trying to update to this new version, or if there is some functionality that you think is missing or not working as intended, please email us at [email protected], and we will be more than happy to help.

Happy Zapping! ⚡

This month's release was primarily focused on fixing a few bugs!

Bug Fixes:

  • Event descriptions will no longer have a scroll bar within the text box, as some users were experiencing jumping behavior within the text box when trying to edit. We have now fixed this to give the event description a variable height so the box height increases and the user can scroll the entire event creation and editing page within itself.
  • Embeddable calendar display issues: Previously, there was a bug occurring when a monthly embeddable calendar was put into a narrow container or viewed by a narrow screen. By default, the calendar will adjust to a list view since there isn't enough space for the full embeddable calendar. The issue arose if your upcoming calendar events were in a future month. If there were no events to auto-scroll to in the same month, the upcoming events list was showing blank despite events existing in future months. This has now been updated so that when the next upcoming event is in a future month, the embeddable calendar will scroll to the next upcoming event, regardless of the month.

As always, we appreciate your letting us know if something is acting funky - try as we might; occasionally, a few bugs sneak through the cracks, and when you let us know, we can resolve them faster.

We are thrilled to announce the launch of our brand-new Affiliate Program here at AddEvent! 

How does it work? It's simple:

  • Sign up for our Affiliate Program through our website.
  • Receive your unique referral link and marketing resources.
  • Share the love for AddEvent across your social networks, blogs, websites, or newsletters.
  • Earn generous commissions for every successful referral you bring to AddEvent!

Who can join?

Whether you are a tech blogger, event organizer, influencer, or simply a passionate advocate for innovative solutions, our Affiliate Program is open to anyone in the United States with a strong desire to help others streamline their event management processes!

Join our affiliate community today and embark on a rewarding journey with AddEvent!

Don't miss this opportunity to earn while spreading the word about our powerful event management tools. Together, we can make events unforgettable!

Visit the affiliate section of our website to learn more, and sign up now. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions. We can't wait to welcome you aboard!

Over the years, we have transformed AddEvent from an add to calendar button to your one-stop shop for events and calendars, adding more value to empower our customers.

A lot has changed in AddEvent—and the world—since we launched. Since our last price increase in 2017, we’ve expanded our offerings, including flexible tools to increase your event attendance and ongoing subscriber base, built out an easier-to-use infrastructure, and added Zapier and Mailchimp integrations, customizable templates, RSVPs, reminder and follow-up emails, and so much more. What may have once been "just an add to calendar button" is now the indispensable calendar and event center for hundreds of thousands of users, connecting people through events worldwide.

To reflect the value we've added and ensure we can keep investing in innovation and providing the best-in-class support you've come to expect, we are announcing our first price increase to Small Business plans since 2017. These changes will come into effect on May 22, 2023, for all new users, and on June 21, 2023, for all existing users.

If you would like to read more about this change, you can continue reading here.


The AddEvent Team


Microsoft broke the direct method that we were using to add events to users calendars for Office 365. This is not the first time that this has happened, but we have a workaround for your users! We’ve updated the event-add process for Office 365 to use the API method instead of the direct method. Unfortunately, the API method requires that users give AddEvent permission to “Have full access to your calendars”, but there's nothing that we can do about that as long as the direct method is broken. You can find some help articles related to this issue here:

Bug fixes

We fixed a couple of bugs with our amazing new image manager that we recently launched. You can find more information about that in a previous update note, or in [this help doc](http://help doc for more info).

  • Users were unable to edit a hyperlink after adding it to an image in an event description, this has now been fixed.
  • Users could not access the buttons to add a hyperlink, alt-text, or delete an image after, but only for calendar descriptions which seems unfair. Updated to resolve this!


  • We fixed a bug where new events that were added to an external calendar that was synced to an AddEvent calendar were not showing the correct colour that the user had chosen. It kind of defeated the whole point of the new setting, so we fixed that.
  • Events in an external calendar were able to be deleted via the dashboard, but would return as soon as the external calendar synced again. Events are now unable to be deleted if they were added by syncing an external calendar, which is how it's supposed to work!

We're excited to share lots of new features and functionality in this release that you have been asking for!

Add-to-calendar buttons/links style generator

  • You can now configure and save custom styles for your add-to-calendar buttons and add-to-calendar links.
  • For the add-to-calendar links: the color, style, icon/text combination, and size can all be customized.
  • For the add-to-calendar button: the button color, and style can be customized.
  • For more information on how to use it, see this help doc.

Image uploader

  • You can now upload images directly to AddEvent and manage the images that you have uploaded.
  • These images can be used as part of an event or calendar description - the images will be displayed inline within the app, on the event or calendar detail page, as well as on the event or calendar landing page when you share the event. See this help doc for more info.
  • We also provide a publicly accessible url to the uploaded images, so you can use the image in an custom event or calendar landing page template or a custom RSVP form by linking to the image (previously, you had to upload the image to an external service, and then use that link in the template instead). See the following help docs to add an image as a background/header image or to add an image as a preview image.

Color for imported external calendars

  • When importing external calendars into AddEvent, you can now select a default color for the events that are synced from the external calendar.
  • The selected color is displayed on the event in the dashbaord, as well as any of your sharing methods e.g. on calendar landing pages, embeddable calendars, and embeddable events lists!

Bug fixes

  • Previously, if the word “verify” was included in a hyperlinked url in an event description, the hyperlink would not display correctly (essentially the hyperlink would stop at this word). This has been fixed so that the word “verify” no longer breaks the hyperlink.
  • Added validation that prevents users from inputting events with invalid recurring rules. This was causing a bug that broke the dashboard and event/calendar landing pages, which is not something that we ever want to happen.
  • Several other bug fixes & under the cover updates - we won't bore you with the details!

We've recently made a couple of updates to our system that may affect how you use your accounts on AddEvent and AppointmentThing. This update specifically impacts customers who use both services.

When the AddEvent team launched AppointmentThing over 2 years ago, we wanted it to be tightly integrated with our existing platform and so we made the decision that accounts would be "shared" across both services. What this essentially meant was that you could log into your AddEvent account with your AppointmentThing credentials and vice versa.

As both platforms have matured and evolved over the past couple of years, we think it no longer makes sense to do that and so we have made the decision to separate AddEvent accounts from AppointmentThing accounts.

How this will impact you

On a day-to-day basis, this change should have little or no impact on how you use AddEvent or AppointmentThing. You'll still be able to log into each system with your existing credentials. However, you will notice the following changes:

  • If you update or reset your password in AddEvent or AppointmentThing, the new password will not apply to the other service. You will need to update your password in the other service separately if you wish to do that.
  • If you add or remove users from your AddEvent or AppointmentThing accounts, these users will no longer be added or removed from your account in the other service. If you want to add or remove users for either AddEvent or AppointmentThing, you will need to do that within that individual service itself. No existing users will be impacted by this change.

There should be no further impact on your account on either service. We are still committed to building excellent products and providing brilliant customer support to our users.

Please don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or concerns!

It’s been a minute since we’ve shared an update with you, so, just like Rihanna at the Super Bowl Halftime Show, we are coming back with some mic-dropping news.


  • Sometimes it can be stressful when a few minutes before your event starts, you get a last-minute RSVP. Stress no more, because we have added the ability to disable RSVPing X minutes before your event starts!
  • We heard through the grapevine that some of you would like the ability to search for calendars and “people” on your account instead of just being able to search for events. We have updated the search functionality so now you can search for calendars, emails, and events all in the dashboard!
  • For those of you that are using AddEvent in conjunction with Google Calendar, this one’s for you - we’ve added the ability to mark events as “free” or “busy” when you create and add your event to the calendar, so no more getting double-booked for you!
  • IF you’ve previously used an IF statement in custom landing page templates, you might have noticed a slight change. This shouldn’t impact any functionality, it simply works better than it did before now!
  • Custom URL friends, this one’s for you! We have updated embeddable calendars, events, and event lists to now use your custom URL. Previously, this was only appearing on calendar & event landing pages.

Bug Fixes

Believe it or not, when we fix things, sometimes unknown bugs will pop up as a result. So, here are some of the bug fixes that made it in this release:

  • The “back” button wasn’t working correctly when creating a new calendar and/or event template. Additionally, there was also an issue when trying to go back to the middle of the dashboard in the middle of creating an event. These are back to functioning as intended!
  • When sharing calendar landing pages, previously the URL was incorrect within the sharing functionality section. URLs should now be back and better than ever.
  • If you found that a lot of your locations were showing “CA” despite the fact that you don’t live in, reside in, or even think about CA, you’re not alone! We didn’t do this one just because AddEvent is located in CA, but that would have been a fun guess. Moving forward, CA will no longer be added to addresses using the location field, but our CA-based team will be thinking of you fondly!
  • Last bug (get it?) certainly not least, we fixed the issue where %5c was being added to the end of hyperlinks in event descriptions when events or calendars were duplicated.

Happy New Year to all of our AddEvent users both old and new! 

You asked and we listened...we have updated our Hobby user limits for RSVP and Calendar Subscribers by 100%. Increasing this usage allows Hobby users up to 20 RSVPs per usage cycle and 20 ongoing Calendar Subscribers.

We hope this allows our Hobby users to host more types of RSVP events and grow their calendar subscribers as needed! 


Team AddEvent

‘Tis the season for giving, and today we’re giving you: updates, bug fixes, and some legal stuff! 


  • If you love our embeddable calendars, this one is for you! We’ve added (what we think is an incredibly sleek) new dark mode for our embeddable calendars. In addition to “always” dark mode, we’ve also added an automatic dark/light mode that switches based on the end-users browsers' settings. To use it, you will need to create a custom template for your embeddable calendar and apply that template.
    • Documentation on how to do create a custom template using one of our new themes can be found here
  • Linguaphiles rejoice! We have added the option to have the recurring rule explanation (e.g. “Repeats Tuesdays and Thursdays, 6 times”) be translated into 12 different languages. To use it, you will need to create a custom event landing page template & change the language of that template. 
    • Documentation on how to do this can be found here.
    • Supported languages include: German, English, Spanish, French, Italian, Dutch, Persian, Finish, Hebrew, Polish, Portuguese, Swedish

Bug Fixes and Improvements

  • When sending update emails to your RSVP attendees, we had been ignoring the custom “From” name and email address that we allow you to set (the automatic confirmation and reminder emails were working correctly). This was just one of those things that we missed, but has now been fixed so your users will always know who you are when you contact them via our system.
  • When using custom HTML questions in an RSVP form, the attendee notification sent to account managers would pull in the value of the previous questions. Instead of sending the responses once (as intended), there was a bug that was inserting the responses multiple times in the email. For a minute there, we got to live out our Oprah fantasy via our emails by saying “YOU GET A RESPONSE, AND YOU GET THAT SAME RESPONSE, AND YOU GET THAT SAME RESPONSE”.  Sadly, our days of Oprah-style emails are behind us, but thanks everyone for your patience while we got that fixed. 

The Boring Stuff…

...unless you’re on the compliance team, then woo!

  • We have updated the DPA (Data Processing Agreement) on our website. The following changes will go into effect from January 1st, 2023 :
    • the new EU SCCs of 2021
    • the UK Transfer Addendum of March 2022
    • modifications to cover transfers of personal data from Switzerland in accordance with Swiss law (FADP)

If you’re still reading this, then thanks for keeping up with the AddEventians, and we hope everyone has a happy holiday season and New Year!