Update the Location Logo
This help doc explains how the location field on the event landing page can be update by a custom template to reflect the logo of the location type you select for the event.
Creating a template
Scroll down to the first sharing method, Event landing page. Create a custom event landing page template by clicking Custom Templates in the app and clicking + New Template. Add a name for the template.
Updating the template - location block tag
Locate the location block on the custom template. See below for reference.
Copy the code below and replace the location block tag {{block:location-01}} (just that single line).
<div class="row eventopts">
<div class="ico co-t1">
<div style="width:36px;height:36px;display:inline-block;background:url(PASTE LINK HERE) no-repeat 2px 50%;background-size:24px auto;"></div>
<div class="txt">
- Then, copy the link related to the location type that this template will be used for. See below for all the link/location options.
- Replace the "PASTE LINK HERE" text with the corresponding image link.
- Name your template, save it, and apply it to the event you want the location image to be used on the landing page.
Location type image links
Google Meet image link: https://cdn.addevent.com/legacy2000/gfx/icon-googlemeet-t1.svg
Zoom image link: https://cdn.addevent.com/legacy2000/gfx/icon-zoom-t2.svg
GoToMeeting image link: https://cdn.addevent.com/legacy2000/gfx/icon-gotomeeting-t1.svg
Microsoft Teams image link: https://cdn.addevent.com/legacy2000/gfx/icon-microsoft-teams-t1.svg
HopIn image link: https://cdn.addevent.com/legacy2000/gfx/icon-hopin-t1.svg
Example with Google Meet
Create the event.
Assign the location of the event, in this case, the location is via Google Meet.
Assign the template on the event creation page OR assign the template on the event page.
Once the template is assigned, the location pin on the event landing page will reflect the Google Meet logo.
Updated 4 months ago