How to Install the Event Calendar Plugin for WordPress

You can install the Event Calendar Plugin for WordPress in one of two ways - we recommend option 1 as it is easiest and requires the fewest steps.

Option 1: From within your WordPress dashboard (recommended)

  1. Go to your WordPress Dashboard > Plugins > Add New Plugins

  2. Search for 'Embeddable Event Calendar' in the search box

  3. Click 'Install Now' on the box that says AddEvent Embeddable Calendar

Option 2: From the WordPress Plugin Directory

  1. Search for 'Embeddable Event Calendar' in the search box
  2. Click the AddEvent Embeddable Calendar listing

  1. Click the Download button to download the plugin file
  1. Upload the plugin files to the /wp-content/plugins/addevent directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' screen in WordPress