Embeddable Event

The most frequently used AddEvent functionality is the add to calendar button. It's a convenient tool for offering users a quick and easy way to add your event to their calendars. However, sometimes, you want to provide your users with more context, and more than a button is needed. For these cases, you can use an embeddable event. It provides a short overview of the event, its title, time, place, and organizer. And you can embed it into your website, just like with the add to calendar button.

Obtaining embeddable event code

  1. To embed an event to the needed page, please first navigate to the event page of the event you want to embed. For this, select the needed event on the Dashboard and click the Event page in the appearing pop-up:
  1. Scroll down to the Embeddable event section:
  1. Here, you can see the preview of the embedded event to get an idea of how it will look on the website or landing page. Please click Copy code to get the embedding code. You can also click the <> button (Click to view code) to view the code snippet.

An iframe method

An alternative method of embedding your event is by inserting the embeddable event page in an iframe. For that, you can use this code snippet:

<iframe src="EVENT_URL?embed=true&embedstyle=1&embedheight=auto&embedshare=no" style="width: 100%; height: 100%; display: block; border:0;"></iframe>

Here, you will need to replace the EVENT_URL string with the actual link to your event landing page. So, the resulting code will look similar to this:

Embedding the code

  1. You can now insert the code into the needed web page with the code obtained.


This is a feature included in our paid plans. Please reach out to [email protected] for a free 7-day trial.