Cancel your Subscription
How do I cancel my subscription?
To cancel your paid subscription on, follow these steps:
- Log in to your AddEvent account.
- Navigate to the Membership and Billing section in your account settings via the Account Page (
- Locate your current plan details. If you are subscribed to a plan, a Cancel link will appear next to your plan information. (The red "cancel" may appear below the plan name)
- Click Cancel.
- Complete all steps on the cancellation page to finalize your request.
Your subscription will be considered canceled when your Membership and Billing section shows the status as "(PRE-PAID)."
For Enterprise Subscriptions
For Enterprise subscriptions, please reach out to your account manager or contact [email protected] to cancel your subscription.
What happens after canceling my subscription?
- If you cancel during a subscription period (monthly or annually), your account will remain active as a paid account until the current period ends.
- After this period, your account will automatically downgrade to the free Hobby Plan, and no further billing will occur unless you re-upgrade in the future.
Subscription Downgrade - Calendar Subscribers
- All subscribers will still see the event details, including dates, times, and descriptions, as originally added.
- Future updates to these events (e.g., time changes or description edits) will no longer sync with all subscribers - the calendar syncs remain functional for only the first 20 subscribers. Any subscriber outside the Hobby plan limit will no longer have an active connection to the subscription calendar.
Embedded Features
- Embeddable tools (calendars, RSVP forms, events) are not included in the free plan. Therefore, they will not work once your plan is canceled and downgraded.
By canceling, you retain basic functionality for up to 20 subscribers. Advanced features and updates tied to paid plans will no longer apply beyond this limit.
Updated 30 days ago