
This help doc explains how to add a domain and why is it needed for our automated add to calendar button.

Adding a domain

From the dashboard or an event page:

  1. Click the drop-down menu on the top right corner of your page and click Account.
  1. Click Domains under the Related tab on the left side of the page.
  1. Enter the domain or sub-domain where your add to calendar button is located in the box and click Add domain.


URL or domain?

Please only whitelist the base domain, do not include https\://

Why do I need to add a domain?

In order to use our services, you need a license. By adding the domain(s) where you use our services, you let our system know that the domain is part of your account and has a valid license.

I use AddEvent on a SaaS platform and don't want to add domains manually

If you want to add usage domains automatically, simply include the client tag in your button code. Take a look at the documentation.


What happens if I forget to add my domain?

Our engine record and analyze incoming usage. In case activity on an unlicensed domain is detected, our robot will try to send out a notification letting you know about the missing license.


This is a feature included in our paid plans. Please reach out to for a free 7-day trial.