What happens when I update an event that has already been shared?
There are three types of events you can share with your users using AddEvent's tools, and the method you've used to share your event will determine if changes made to that event after it's been added to an end user's calendar will then be reflected on that end user's calendar. Read below to determine whether or not your updates will reflect on your audience's calendars.
Normal events
Whenever you share a single, individual event with your users via an add to calendar button or link, this is a one-time transaction. If you update a normal event that you've already shared with your users, users who have already added that event to their calendar will not see those updates, but users who add the event to their calendar after the update is made will see those updates. Normal events are typically events created in the Dashboard (without RSVP enabled), events connected to a normal "Add to Calendar" button, or events added using Automated events.
RSVP-enabled events
When you enable RSVP for an event, it allows you to collect information from your users (attendees). Just like for normal events, if you update an RSVP-enabled event that you've already shared with your users, users who have already added that event to their calendar will not see those updates, but users who add the event to their calendar after the update is made will see those updates. However, suppose you do need to update an RSVP-enabled event. In that case, you can let your attendees know of the changes by sending them an email using either our system (located on the event's event page in the "RSVP and Setting" section) or your email vendor.
Events via a Subscription Calendar
Subscription calendars are calendars that you create (and share) via the AddEvent Dashboard. Each calendar can contain multiple events, and your users can subscribe to these calendars to add all of the events contained within to their personal calendars. When your users subscribe, they become 'subscribers,' and a dynamic connection is created between their personal calendars and the AddEvent calendar you created. This means that when you add, delete, or change an event in an AddEvent calendar you've created, that change will be reflected (after a short delay) on the personal calendars of that AddEvent calendar's subscribers. This is one advantage of sharing events via a subscription calendar.
Updated 9 months ago